SVE na Cruz Vermelha em Pesaro, Itália
A Associação Spin está a promover o projecto Serviço Voluntário Europeu (SVE), “Red Cross EVS” em Pesaro, Itália!
Temos 1 vaga! Candidata-te já!
O projecto de voluntariado Europeu “Red Cross EVS”, irá decorrer de 2 de Novembro 2017 até 31 de Agosto 2018 (10 meses) em Pesaro, em Itália, com 4 voluntários provenientes de Portugal, Espanha, Hungria e Roménia. As principais actividades a serem desenvolvidas são relacionadas com a interacção entre os jovens e comunidade locais com os voluntários internacionais, com especial atenção ao tema da solidariedade.
Ainda não conheces o Serviço Voluntário Europeu (SVE)? Lê tudo aqui!
Despesas de viagem entre Portugal e Itália (ida e volta) 100% cobertas pelo Programa Erasmus+ até ao máximo de €275.
Alojamento, transportes locais e alimentação (no valor máximo de €120/mês) são cobertos a 100% pelo Programa Erasmus+, sendo ainda atribuída ao voluntário uma quantia mensal de “pocket money” no valor de €115/mensais.
Detalhes do projecto (em inglês):
This project is a European Voluntary Service project address to 4 volunteers from 4 countries. Red Cross, thanks to the nature of its activities based on social interaction and humanitarian values, is a perfect place to host youngster in need to develop more self-confidence and see positive results thanks to their involvement in civic society.
In this volunteering context, volunteers will feel part of the community and the concrete results of their volunteering work getting a sense of satisfaction giving an important contribution to the local community in terms of solidarity and support.
There is no need of special qualification in the educational system and everyone can contribute as energy and motivation is the core of this service. That’s why we believe we can offer a volunteer placement which can have a deep impact on the youngster life, especially in youth unemployed.
The tasks of the EVS volunteers in this project will be to support organization’s activities for the refugees integration with the local community and youth sector activities and the following “ordinary” activities organised by the local Red Cross in 5 different areas, as support staff of local red cross volunteers and professionals:
– Social and cultural entertainment activities in rest homes for eldery people
– Food distribution activities: On daily basis will take part to distribution of food to the poor families, in cooperation with the Municipality of Pesaro, in a long term perspective of personal support.
– Information and awareness campaigns: meetings with students and organising prevention and intervention workshops about different topics and issues (first aid, drug and alcohol abuse, prevention of diseases…)
– Press office support: support in the realisation of media products, information press campaigns, to spread the values and activities realised by Red Cross.
– Fundraising office: support in the fundraising campaigns
The activities proposed are based on practical workshops and learning by doing in a intercultural and dynamic team. At local level, the volunteer will bring an intercultural way of living in the working environment of the association stimulating tolerance and open-mind attitude on local volunteers, member of the association and youngster which will interact with the volunteer.
Thanks to the participation in this project, the EVS volunteers have the chance to learn new things, develop new skills and competences. In particular, they have the opportunities to learn how to live and work in a different country developing independency and giving an important contribution to the local community in terms of solidarity and support. They will deepen their understanding of the hosting country, and to gain new experience, both at personal and professional level.
The working place: The working place will be the Red Cross Office, 10 min walk from the train station and in the city centre.
The accommodation will be in the EVS house rented by the Receiving Organisation in the city centre. The volunteer will be accommodated in double room divided by gender. The flat will be shared with the other evs volunteers and has all the needed facilities.
Pocket money: The volunteers will receive pocket money in the amount of 115,00 euro in cash the first Monday of every month during the tutoring meeting.
Food:The volunteer will buy and cook the meals by him/herself, the hosting organisation will give a food allowance of 120 eur/month on the first Monday of each month, during the tutoring meeting. The Hosting Organisation will also provide the opportunity to have lunch at Red Cross during the week. The volunteer will sign the document confirming that he/she is receiving the money and at the same time is giving to the tutor the bills covering the past month’s food money. If the bills are not enough to cover the previous month’s food expenses, the difference will be deducted from the current month’s food allowance.
Para mais informações, podem consultar o anúncio internacional de vagas.
Todos os candidatos, devem:
– Ser sócio(a) da Associação Spin (Ainda não és sócio(a)? Visita esta página!),
– Residir legalmente em Portugal;
– Estar interessado(a) no tema do voluntariado;
– Estar motivado para as actividades a serem realizadas;
– Ter entre 18 e 30 anos de idade.
Todos os interessados devem enviar a ficha de candidatura, o seu CV e carta de motivação (ambos escritos em inglês) específica para este projecto para até dia 31 de Agosto 2017 !
Temos somente 1 vaga! Não percam tempo!
Para informações adicionais, contactar: com a indicação “Red Cross EVS”.