SVE em Cracóvia, Polónia
Projecto SVE “The voice of the voiceless” em Cracóvia, Polónia, foi aprovado! (Ainda não conheces o Serviço Voluntário Europeu? Lê tudo aqui!)
A estadia é de 10 meses; o projecto começará em finais Fevereiro / início de Março de 2015 e decorrerá até ao fim de Dezembro 2015 / início de Janeiro 2016. A organização de coordenação é a Internationaler Bund Polska. Podem candidatar-se jovens dos 18 aos 30 anos de idade.
Abaixo segue uma descrição do projecto:
“EVS project ‘Voice of the voiceless’ will be implemented in Krakow and the surrounding area. The duration will be 18 months, while the activities of volunteers in the host organizations will continue for 10 months. 6 volunteers from Germany, Spain and Portugal will take part in project. For 10 months of volunteering will be held in four centers in Krakow: Autism Center, Community of Hope Foundation, Stowarzyszenie KFT and Niepubliczny Młodzieżowy Dom Kultury KFT.
Volunteers will work in the following institutions:
- Krakowska Fabryka Talentów (2 volunteers)- Cracow Talent Factory Association from the very beginning works on cultural projects directed to children. These projects aim at balancing the educational, cultural and social differences between youth (9-18 year-olds) coming from various social background. The participants have opportunity to develop their talents and passions through attractive forms of activities. The activities offered by Cracow Talent Factory Association include various dance and theatre classes, singing and journalist workshops. Moreover, in the meantime the youth participates in shows, art festivals and dance workshops in different Polish cities.
- Centrum Autyzmu (2 volunteers) – The Centre is an educational establishment addressed for autistic and mentally disabled children and youth, consisting of kindergarten, primary school, secondary school and vocational centre, located in two premises. Centre’s mission is to create an atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable and safe.
- Niepubliczny Młodzieżowy Dom Kultury Krakowska Fabryka Talentów (1 volunteer) – Cracow Talents Factory Cultural Centre organises educational, art and social activities for children and youth (3-18 year-olds). In Cracow Talents Factory Cultural Centre we employ qualified and experienced instructors, so the participants have opportunity to develop their talents and passions through attractive forms of activities. The activities offered by Cultural Centre include various dance, theatre, singing, journalist, chess, musical (in cooperation with Musical School), English, gymnastics, unihockey, judo, ballet (in cooperation with Cracow Dance Academy) classes.
- Farma Życia (1 volunteer)- The main goal of The Community of Hope Foundation is to ensure disabled people (adult and autistic) different forms of social, therapeutical and educational support, particularly in the context of our Life Farm facility (Farma Życia) which is located in Więckowice, in south part of Krakow.”
Podem ler aqui mais informações sobre o projecto.
Todos os interessados/as, devem enviar CV, carta de motivação específica e ficha de candidatura para até 8 de Janeiro 2015. Na tua candidatura indica qual é a organização de acolhimento do teu interesse.