become a member!

Being a member of Spin means supporting the principles and values advocated by the Association, being part of a group of people motivated and dedicated to the promotion of international youth mobility programs, such as volunteering, exchanges, training courses and other local activities!

We are almost all volunteers, young people that believe that Spin has provided many personal and professional benefits to young people and to the community through the activities that we promote since 2008.

To become a member you just need to fill in the online application form and pay the annual membership fee (20 €). 

Paying the membership fee on time assures not only the contribution to the maintenance of the association’s activities, but also enables you to exercise the right to vote during General Assemblies, the possibility of being elected to the governing bodies of Spin, and provides member discounts to participate at the promoted activities, in addition to ensuring priority in the selection of candidates for mobility projects.

You can pay the membership fee by bank transfer to the IBAN: PT50 0007 0000 0016 8350 0972 3. After ordering the bank transfer, please send us the proof of payment to, so we can issue the receipt and update the member registry.

We count on you, on your ideas, critiques, presence, and participation.

For any inquiry, support, or information, we are here!

Hugs and see you soon!

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