Associação Spin, acting as the Coordinating organization, is currently looking for 1 EVS/ESC volunteer for a project with our local partner A.A.M.A. (Association of Adapted Motor…
Associação Spin, acting as the Coordinating organization, is currently looking for 1 EVS/ESC volunteer for a project with our local partner Crescer na Maior, starting in September…
Associação Spin, as coordinating & host organization, is currently looking for ESC volunteers for a project, which will be presented to the Portuguese National Agency on April,…
Associação Spin, acting as the Hosting and Coordinating organization, is currently looking for 1 EVS / ESC volunteer for a project starting in September 2018! Hosting: Associação Spin…
Associação Spin, as coordinating & host organization, is currently looking for 2 EVS volunteers. We would like to thank everyone who sent us their applications. We received…
Associação Spin, acting as the Hosting and Coordinating organization, is currently looking for 2 EVS volunteers for a project starting in June 2018! Hosting: Associação Spin Activity start…
Associação Spin, acting as the Coordinating organization, is currently looking for one volunteer from Italy for an EVS project starting in March, 2018! Project name: Make…
Associação Spin, acting as the Hosting and Coordinating organization, is currently looking for one Hungarian and one Croatian volunteer for an approved EVS project starting in March 2018! Hosting: Associação Spin…
Associação Spin, acting as the coordinating organization, is currently looking for one Italian and one Spanish volunteer for our partner organization, Associação Crescer a Cores. Host: Associação…
Associação Spin, as coordinator organization, is currently looking for several EVS volunteers for the already approved EVS project “Make up your Mind”. The current status of recruitment is…